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What Can You Expect?


A Week Of Tabling

Come up to our table and learn about DSP from our brothers!

  • Learn about our values, mission, and opportunities

  • Take this chance to sign up for the mailing list


Recruitment Events

Join us for a week of events themed around our 4 pillars!


  • Take this time to have fun and interact with brothers!

  • Feeling shy?  Bring a friend along!


Submitting an Application

Don't forget to submit your application!


  • Applications are due the Sunday right after Recruitment Events

  • Submit your application here


Be Interview Ready

Showcase your potential and passion!


  • Do your research and come prepared with questions to ask

  • Remember to dress professionally

  • You need to attend at least one event to qualify for an interview


Receiving a Bid

Decide whether to accept or decline the bid by the deadline


  • Email us with any questions you have before accepting:​​​


Being a Potential Brother/Pledge

Experience the pledging process while learning about DSP


  • Decide if DSP is the place for you

  • Interact with other pledges

  • Voice any concerns to the Pledge Educator

We can't spell success without U! 

Why Join Delta Sigma Pi?

A Letter from our Senior Vice President:

Walking into Saunders for the first time as a freshman was overwhelming, with new terms and expectations being thrown at me constantly. I quickly realized how little I knew about the business world. Amidst this, I kept hearing about Delta Sigma Pi and decided to give it a chance. The recruitment events were so fun, the brothers were not only welcoming, but also knew so much about RIT and the business world. Joining Delta Sigma Pi was one of the best decisions I've made at RIT, and it has given me a huge boost in my journey. I love being a part of this community that has supported me in so many ways, and I am excited to see where it continues to take me.

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Delta Sigma Pi is a co-ed professional business fraternity dedicated to fostering the professional and personal growth of its members. As part of a network that spans thousands of business leaders across the globe, our chapter at Epsilon Lambda offers a unique blend of opportunities that cater to the development of both skills and networks. Epsilon Lambda provides its members with exclusive insights into classes, events, and opportunities at RIT. Through professional events, networking opportunities, and community service, we prepare each other for both college and the future. All of our brothers leave RIT having made lifelong friends within DSP. We are more than just a fraternity; we are a community who support each other in reaching our fullest potential. I encourage anyone in the business community to give DSP a chance.


I look forward to meeting you,

Maggie Birmingham
Senior Vice President, Maggie Birmingham

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For any questions regarding recruitment, applications, or the pledging process, please reach out to Recruitment Chair Raphael Knauf at

We look forward to getting to know you!

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