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LEAD School in Washington D.C.

Writer's picture: RIT DSPRIT DSP

LEAD Schools are events dedicated to leadership topics and designed to appeal to Delta Sigma Pi pledges, collegiate members, and alumni members. Held throughout the fall, LEAD Schools are fun and fast-paced forums for building skills that serve you well in your professional life, community involvement, and membership in Delta Sigma Pi.

Hi! My name is Aisha Faiq and I am a Junior at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I became a brother of Delta Sigma Pi at the Epsilon Lambda in the Spring of 2022. This semester, I was also voted in as the Senior Vice President.

Because I am still a new brother, LEAD schools was the first opportunity I had to

participate in a National DSP event. LEAD school was held in Washington D.C. from November 4th through the 6th. The event not only allowed me to connect with other brothers from around the United States, but it also provided me with workshops that helped my professional growth.

Some of the brothers who impacted my trip were those from New York state. We connected through geography and the likeness of the chapter. I was also able to make connections with Alumni brothers. I had the opportunity to meet two of our alumni brothers from the original RIT chapter. It was amazing meeting them and getting to know the old chapter.

The workshops provided were some of my favorites. I was able to attend workshops on

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, personal growth, how to have tough conversations, and

connecting with the chapter after graduation. I learned so many new skills and perspectives I will be implementing this upcoming semester.

LEAD was a truly amazing experience and I encourage brothers to attend. I loved

meeting so many brothers, learning new skills, and really experiencing Delta Sigma Pi to the



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