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 Our chapter is passionate about supporting the cultural and civic organizations that impact the lives of individuals and families in Rochester with our time and talents. Our chapter took part in 11 service events, allowing us to complete over 1,000 direct service hours and raise over $4,100 for different organizations around Rochester.

Hover over each picture for more information about our involvement!

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide health organization "dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service." At RIT, there is a chapter of Colleges Against Cancer, which is a partner of the American Cancer Society.

Every spring we create a Delta Sigma Pi team for the Relay for Life, raise money for the weeks leading up to it, and stay in the Gordon Field House overnight from 7pm to 7am, walking laps to symbolize the ongoing fight against cancer. Historically, our team has been a top fundraiser for this event as well - raising over $2,000 for the event in 2019.

Willow Domestic Violence Center provides services for the Greater Rochester community and is the only New York State certified domestic violence service provider. Their mission is "to prevent domestic violence and ensure every survivor has access to the services and supports needed along the journey to a safe and empowered life."

This year we helped raise awareness about the Willow Domestic Violence Center and funds for their 11th Annual Walk a Mile in My Shoes at the Ontario Lake Park. We raised over $600 by selling pins, buttons, and wristbands for over two months, and then volunteered at the actual event.

For 27 years, the Ronald McDonald House of Rochester has supported the health and wellness of children and their families by working to help alleviate the burden for families to find a close, comfortable and affordable place to stay while their child receives the medical care they need.

As the Ronald McDonald House Charity is the partner charity of Delta Sigma Pi, we try our best to prioritize our service efforts towards helping support their mission. Some of the events we have done include visiting the RMHC to cook a warm meal for the children and their families, and most recently, helped sort and tag donations for sale at their annual event: The Sale.

Paint for a Purpose

This year, our chapter hosted the first annual Paint for a Purpose event. In partnership with the College of Art and Design, we hosted a full length painting class as a part of RIT's Service Week. Thanks to our generous sponsors (College of Art and Design as well as The Hill at Rochester) we were able to donate all proceeds from this event to the Bivona Child Advocacy Center to support their mission.


Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a walk in celebration of courage and hope, a movement to unify people to end breast cancer. 


Our brothers walked alongside breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and family and friends to support those impacted by breast cancer. !


Salvation Army purposes is to provide education, relief of poverty and other charitable objectives beneficial to society or the community. 

In 2022, brothers went to neighborhoods across Henrietta knocking on doors asking for support and can donations hosted and organized by The Salvation Army.

Cards for Hospitalized Kids (CFHK) is an internationally recognized charitable organization that spreads hope, joy and magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards that they request be donated to them.

This year, we set up a table in the Student Alumni Union and provided paper, markers, stickers, and other tools for anyone to stop by and decorate a card for the kids. At the end of our two days collecting cards, we sent a whole box of cards to Cards for Hospitalized Kids in the hopes of making someone's day a little bit brighter.

The Rochester Childfirst Network is a not-for-profit agency dedicated to advancing the quality of early education and care in Western New York, through leadership, advocacy, and innovative direct services to children.

This year, we volunteered at their annual Mad Hatter's Tea Party - staffing the all-day event from beginning to end, providing essential support and helping raise as much money as possible at the event. We look forward to continuing to volunteer with RCN in the coming year.

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